
Metro Manila (film)

After On The Job, I was really interested to catch two other films -- Metro Manila and Transit. I haven't caught Transit yet but thanks to the unexpected holiday yesterday, I was able to watch Metro Manila. This film depicts urban migration and poverty. The story line may sound cliche, and we've all probably seen a film with a similar tale; however, the manner in which the film attacks the subject is fresh and modern. Cinematography is great and musical score is apt, adds to the drama. Very well-made film; I heard this was an Oscars entry (from another country since the director is foreign).

Personally, I was very much saddened while watching this, primarily because having two girls made me closer to the family situation. It was also a reminder for me on how wide the gap is between the Filipino 'middle class' and the 'less fortunate.' It's easy to take for granted (and even complain about) the things that we have and the comforts we enjoy; but we must know that what we have may already mean financial freedom and a life worth living to others.

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